How to get rid of section break
How to get rid of section break

  1. How to get rid of section break how to#
  2. How to get rid of section break manual#
  3. How to get rid of section break plus#

I have this exact same problem – random white spaces under the header, different on different pages, same section – it’s sending me insane! No marks, nothing’s there, only it’s pushing the text right down and it looks stupid. If you pull on the header marker in the left ruler to shrink the size of the header, the header bottom bounces down to the footer, overlapping the body text. If you double-click on the white space it opens the header for editing. Hopefully one of these fixes works for you!

  • On the Header & Footer Tools Design tab, find the Position Group.
  • To do this, double-click inside the header to activate it, then follow these steps: 25″, you will have almost an inch of whitespace below your header.įirst, check to see what your top page margin is set to. To continue with Linda’s problem, there is an issue that can cause excess whitespace between the page header and the first line of text in your document.This has to do with how you have set your page margins and your header margins.įor instance, if your top margin is set to 1.25″ and your header margin is set to. Use my contact form to get in touch with me.Įxtra Whitespace Below Header – Fixes Continued I hope this helps! If not, I can troubleshoot the actual document for you.

    how to get rid of section break

    Only this time, change the Before spacing. If the After spacing is already set to zero or a low number and changing it doesn’t get rid of the white space, place the cursor in the following sentence, then repeat the instructions.

    how to get rid of section break

  • On the Indents and Spacing tab, under Spacing, change the After setting.
  • On the Home tab, in the Paragraph group, click the little arrow in the lower right corner to launch the Paragraph dialog box.
  • If a table is not the culprit, then the white space may be set in the Paragraph settings.

    how to get rid of section break

    Once you can see the table borders, you can drag the cell border to shrink the row that is causing the white space below the heading.When you are finished, follow the same directions as above, but on the Borders tab, select None. The Borders and Shading dialog box opens. Select Borders and Shading from the menu.With the table still highlighted, right-click.The easiest way to work with a hidden table is to show the borders.

    How to get rid of section break plus#

    If you hover over the heading text, does a small box with a plus sign appear on the top left? If so, click it. Linda: It sounds like you might have either a hidden table or a paragraph style that is causing the trouble. Still can’t get rid of large white space under header.Ĭan’t Delete White Space – Hidden Table or Style? Ive done as you suggested – there are no formatting marks to see. If you want to add to the discussion, use the comment box at the bottom of the page. (These comments were from a previous commenting system. On the Home tab, in the Styles group, click Heading 2.Highlight the heading text or insert your cursor within the text.If you need to reapply Heading 2, follow these steps: Your document should look like the following: Highlight all of them, then press Delete on you keyboard. Now you can carefully delete all of the extra characters. In other words, highlight the whole line including the hidden character before you cut or copy. If you cut and paste the text, make sure to keep the style information with it or you will lose your formatting. Do you see the blue paragraph symbol after each one? That is where the style information for the heading is stored.

    How to get rid of section break how to#

    This is very common so it is good to know how to fix the problem.įirst, look at the two headings. Now we see why the second section is located too far down the page! There are three extra line breaks, a section break, over two lines of tabs, and a bunch of spaces that were inserted with the space bar. The only way to delete the breaks without accidentally changing your formatting is to be able to see what you’re doing. You need to delete the breaks that are causing layout problems. This is most likely caused by improper use of carriage returns, tabs, and spaces to format the document. Removing white spaceĪs you can see in this sample document, there is a big chunk of white space that needs to be removed after creating the new page. Once you are finished, you may need to do some additional clean up on your document.

  • In the ribbon on the Insert tab, find the Page group.
  • Open your document, then insert the cursor at the end of the line before the section you want to start on a new page.
  • Inserting page breaksįollow these steps to insert the page breaks:

    How to get rid of section break manual#

    I’ll show you how to insert a manual page break, then show you how to delete the white space without breaking your layout.

    how to get rid of section break

    ANSWER: There are two ways to insert page breaks in Microsoft Word: manually insert a page break, or modify a style to start on a new page.

    How to get rid of section break